
Is Invisalign or Braces Faster?
Cosmetic |3 min read

Is Invisalign or Braces Faster?

Everyone’s top question about Invisalign is the ever-skeptical “Which is really faster: Invisalign or braces?” The quick answer: Treatment times do vary. However, Invisalign is reported to be faster than braces.  Invisalign has an average treatment...

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Does Invisalign Hurt? Get the Truth!
Cosmetic |6 min read

Does Invisalign Hurt? Get the Truth!

We’ll cut straight to it, and answer your question: Does Invisalign hurt? The short answer: Invisalign may cause temporary tenderness or discomfort. Now wait, don’t run away yet! The truth is: Whenever you move teeth, whether it’s with clear aligners...

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